Although I’ve written extensively about targeting trout in muddy or murky water conditions in HOW TO CATCH TROUT IN MUDDY OR DIRTY WATER, I forgot to mention a simple trick that I use to tell how clear the river is. While staring at my feet, I slowly walk and wade outstream into the river until I can’t see my feet any longer. I note about how deep it is when I can no longer see my feet and very quickly and easily determine about how far a trout can see under the current conditions. For example, if my feet disappear in a foot of water then I know trout can see about a foot in front of them under current water conditions.

Another point that I forgot to point out in my previous post is that the length of time that muddy conditions last is a huge factor in a trout’s visibility. A trout’s eyes will adapt to even the muddiest conditions given enough time. If a big rainstorm blows in and decreases the water clarity to a few inches, trout will not be able to see much of anything initially. However, give it about twelve hours and their eyes will adjust and will be able to see your flies just fine.

More information on trout nymphing can be found in my guide book SIMPLE NYMPHING FOR TROUT IN RIVERS & STREAMS.

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