Selecting the right strike indicator can be an overwhelming and confusing experience because there are so many different types of strike indicators on the market today. Thingamabobbers, yarn, twistable foam, air-lock, foam stick-on, cork, jam-stop thingamabobbers, and New Zealand are just a few of the popular strike indicators available today. While selecting a strike indicator has a lot to do with individual preferences, some strike indicators are truly better than others. A particular indicator can be excellent for a certain water type, nymphing rig, or nymphing technique, but be terrible for different nymphing circumstances.

To make choosing the right strike indicator a less overwhelming and confusing experience, I will review a different strike indicator each month as part of an ongoing blog post series. In each strike indicator review post, I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of a particular strike indicator, tell you how to use it, and what nymphing scenarios it works best and worst in.

More information on trout nymphing can be found in my guide book SIMPLE NYMPHING FOR TROUT IN RIVERS & STREAMS.

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