Also known as torch lily, this plant produces tall spikes of fiery red flowers that attract hummingbirds.
With its vibrant red blooms and aromatic foliage, bee balm is a favorite among pollinators like bees and butterflies.
These plants have delicate red flowers on slender stems, contrasting beautifully with their colorful foliage.
Despite its name, red yucca produces clusters of tubular red flowers atop long, arching stems.
Known for its striking red spikes of flowers, cardinal flower adds a splash of color to moist, shady areas.
Some varieties of Japanese maple have red foliage, adding year-round interest and color to the garden
This native wildflower features red and yellow bell-shaped flowers that attract hummingbirds and bees.
Several daylily cultivars have red flowers, such as 'Red Rum' and 'Chicago Apache,' adding bold color to garden borders.