7 Best Fast Growing Trees To Create Privacy Without A Fence

Leyland Cypress

Known for its rapid growth and dense foliage, Leyland cypress is a popular choice for creating privacy screens.

Thuja Green Giant

This evergreen tree grows quickly and forms a dense, tall screen, providing year-round privacy.

Eastern Redcedar

Eastern redcedar is a hardy evergreen tree that grows rapidly and can create a dense barrier for privacy.

American Holly

With its glossy green leaves and red berries, American holly can grow quickly and provide privacy while adding ornamental value to the landscape.

Northern Catalpa

This deciduous tree grows rapidly and features large, heart-shaped leaves, making it an attractive option for privacy screens.

Silver Maple

Silver maple trees grow quickly and have large, dense foliage that can create an effective privacy barrier.

River Birch

River birch trees have attractive peeling bark and grow quickly, making them a good choice for creating privacy screens in moist areas.

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