Potatoes: Particularly when fried or prepared with added fats, potatoes can be calorie-dense and high in starch, which may contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess.
Corn: Corn is relatively high in carbohydrates compared to other vegetables, which can impact blood sugar levels and potentially hinder weight loss progress.
Peas: While peas offer fiber and protein, they are also higher in carbohydrates compared to many other vegetables, which can affect weight loss efforts if consumed in large portions.
Avocado: While rich in healthy fats, avocados are calorie-dense. Eating large amounts of avocado or dishes made with avocado, like guacamole, without considering portion.
Sweet Potatoes: Although a nutritious choice due to their vitamins and fiber content, sweet potatoes are higher in carbohydrates and calories compared to some other non-starchy.
Beets: While packed with vitamins and minerals, beets contain natural sugars that can add up in calories, especially when consumed in dishes like beetroot salads or juices.
Parsnips: Similar to carrots, parsnips are higher in natural sugars and carbohydrates, which can contribute to calorie intake if eaten in large quantities.
Plantains: Often used in cooking and frying, plantains are higher in calories and carbohydrates compared to other vegetables, making them less suitable for weight loss in large amounts.
Butternut Squash: While nutritious and delicious, butternut squash is higher in carbohydrates and calories compared to some other non-starchy vegetables, so portion control is key for weight loss.
Peppers (especially bell peppers): While low in calories and packed with vitamins, bell peppers and other sweet peppers can be higher in natural sugars compared to leafy greens or cruciferous.